Funding Support
The early stages of a technology-based company are fueled by private investment, high-tech finance funding, government grants, innovation competitions, and venture capital. It all starts where the entrepreneur “bootstraps” or self-funds the business; then, it is a never ending task to look for more money for funding technology and growth. We support the growth of high tech companies; this includes support for grant applications, business planning, strategic investment partnerships, and angel investing.
Funding Support
We provide research funding help and consulting support to secure funds from several sources. Our fundraising support services are specific to the requirements of the program or source of funding. Our services include:
Scientific Research and Experimental Development (SR&ED) – This Canadian tax credit program is a critical component of any high tech company operating in Canada. We understand this program and can provide support to meet the qualifications and reporting requirements. This credit program will answer your question about who will finance your technology research.
Government Grant Support – Many governments provide research funding to help in high tech development. We provide Application planning, project management, and development services to help secure financing from many funding agencies.
Private Equity Funding – Private investors understand that 70% of high tech companies fail, so their goal is to avoid investing in the wrong company. So, to get an individual investor’s attention requires a strong market value, a realistic plan, and an appealing investment opportunity. Through many of our services, we can craft the right presentation tools to make the opportunity valuable and secure money for research development and growth.
We also support high tech companies directly. We can provide services as a co-founder, angel investor, or merger arrangement; this is a specific service that will require a review of the business investment opportunity where our business goals will need to match well with your objectives and needs.